concrete Slab Jacking

Polyurethane foam for leveling concrete slabs and sidewalks


Say goodbye to the traditional, costly, and landscape-disrupting methods of concrete repair. We offer a groundbreaking alternative that will restore your concrete without tearing up your beloved outdoor space.

Our revolutionary technique utilizes high-density geo-technical expanding foam to raise and stabilize sunken concrete slabs. This foam, when injected beneath the affected areas, can lift a sunken area bringing it back to level. It can also be used to create a positive drainage away from the building, keeping water away from your foundation and preventing serious damage. The result? Better water drainage and less unevenness in your sidewalk or driveway.

Unlike other quick fixes that may deteriorate over time, our high-density foam provides a robust and enduring solution. Once in place, it will not break down or wash out, ensuring that your concrete remains stable and secure for years to come. With our repair, you can bid farewell to constant maintenance and costly replacements.

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sunken sidewalk slab that needs to be lifted

Before and After

sidewalk after it has been fixed

What are the differences between Mud Jacking Vs Poly Lifting?

Expanding foam offers significant advantages for concrete lifting compared to traditional methods. When it comes to Concrete Lifting Vs Polyurethane, the benefits of expanding foam become apparent, especially in terms of cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Both methods achieve similar results, but concrete lifting with expanding foam provides exceptional support by efficiently pumping the foam underneath the concrete slab.

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